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Michael Fassbender says Assassin’s Creed film won’t be rubbish; inspired by Matrix

Video game movies tend to fall into two categories; average and awful. At the end of this year the world will find out which side of the coin The Assassin’s Creed film will fall into. Michael Fassbender has been chatting with Empire about the film and been outlying how he hopes the film will avoid the typical video game movie traps by taking inspiration from The Matrix.

Speaking to Empire, he told the movie website;

“I’ve always thought about The Matrix when we’ve approached this”, he said. “This idea of DNA memory elevates it from a basic fantasy genre [piece], because you have something an audience can actually believe in. Then the journey becomes so much more elevated, because you’re on board in a different way”.

“There’s very little green screen in this, which is highly unusual in these films”, he revealed. “We have stunt guys jumping across buildings in Valletta [that’s in Malta]. We’ve got [stunt man] Damian Walters doing a 120-foot leap of faith, without any rope, into a bag, so it’s pretty incredible to see”.

While it’s nice to see Fassbender is optimistic – we’ve heard all this before. The Tomb Raider films starring Lara Croft. The Prince of Persia films which were dull as ditch water. The never ending Resident Evil films. Physical is good but if the stories as tedious as some of the more recent offerings in the franchise then it might not be worth the effort. The Ubisoft franchise has already kind of peaked in it’s popularity – so fingers crossed it finds a market.

The film is being directed by Justin Kurzel and will be be released in cinemas on December 21st.