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Battlestar Galactica Movie Moves Forward

The recent success of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has re-awoken more than just the force. Movie studios have been scrambling to see which sci-fi franchises they can breath new life into. Now Universal has reportedly brought it’s long in development hell Battlestar Galactica movie back in from the cold.

Once upon a time Bryan Singer was on board to bring the cult-TV series to the silver screen; then he was snapped up to take the helm over at Fox’s X-Men. This left the project without any drive forward and so Universal left it to collect dust. Recent rumours suggest that Singer is still attached to the project as an executive producer.

Instead it seems as though Michael De Luca, famous for The Social Network, Fifty Shades and Moneyball is going to take the director role for the flick. The screenplay is being overseen by Jack Paglen who worked on TV show Transcendence.

Progress is progress right? We have to say that if Universal wants this film to be a success then it’s going to have to make some big decisions regarding how the film will be positioned. Battlestar Galactica has famously been the reserve of the sci-fi fan exclusively. So a lot of work ahead before this one makes it to your local cinema.

