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Lego Movie Director Believes Nintendo Universe would make great Movies

Cinematic Universes are all the rage in modern Hollywood; bringing together characters that fans want to see on the silver screen in ways previously unheard of. Now The Lego Movie’s director has spoken about his desire to see Nintendo turn its lucrative bank of characters into such an arrangement.

Speaking during DICE 2016’s “Franchise Fever: Pursuing Ideas and Big Audiences” panlifeVertigo Entertainment head Lee Roy stated;

Mine would be Nintendo. I think Zelda, Mario, and the whole universe of characters would be perfect for a Lego Movie type of [film]. I don’t have the rights to it, but I would love to. That would be my Holy Grail.”

During the same panel, Adrian Askarieh, CEO and president Prime Universe Films, stated he agreed and went on to say that he felt the Nintendo Universe was perfect source for a movie universe.

Nintendo has dabbled in movies before, the hilariously poor Super Mario Bros movie was widely panned as a disaster. That being said in an age of animation and Pixar – would it be entirely out of the question to bring it to life?

A Metroid movie? A Zelda movie? The possibilities are endless.

What would you want to see on the silver screen?