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Six Talking Points from ‘WWE Fastlane’

WWE Fast Lane came and Fast Lane went. In it’s wake we’re left with the taste of disappointment and general sadness. The Road to Wrestlemania is well under way but WWE have a lot of bridge building to do if they’re going to pull a high class show out of the mess they’ve managed to tangle themselves into. But heading out of a PPV – we take the time to look back at the talking points from WWE Fastlane.

Sasha and Becky are on a roll

Like it or not – WWE has gotten behind the divas division and on this PPV and gave them two matches. I’d argue strongly that this first match was the better of the two – all the divas involved looked great and it shows just how far the division is travelling when it’s being granted 15 minute matches to open the show. Sasha is still insanely popular and by keeping Becky relevant – WWE have crafted an easy-bake solution to the Divas Championship match at Wrestlemania – Sasha and Becky are going for that Championship and Charlotte’s going to have to work hard to keep it. Props as well for Naomi and Tamina who carried the weight in a good match.


AJ Styles is going to be a huge deal

If this match with Jericho didn’t underline anything else – it should have highlighted just how far the WWE are willing they are to get behind Styles. The match was a potential show stealer and capped off a well rounded feud that has done wonders for the three men involved in it (Miz included). Now WWE have to capitalize on this and throw some weight behind Styles. Give the fans a big match at Wrestlemania where Styles can truly show off – possibly pit him against the big dog of the mid-card Kevin Owens. it would make for a great match and add some much needed substance to a Wrestlemania card that seems to be lacking in technical ability right now.


The Tag match at Wrestlemania is going to suck…. hard

It became painfully obvious in this PPV that WWE is lining up the New Day to take on the League of Nations – a feud no one really wants and no one really seems to care for. The simple fact is that New Day’s popularity has left a huge problem for the rest of the teams in the division – namely that no one is a close second in terms of popularity. Turning the Dudley’s heel was a good start but bringing in the LoN seems like a random move and one which can only spell trouble for Wrestlemania match. Last year we got a multi-team match that was relegated to the pre-show card. I wouldn’t be amazed if this years followed suit.


What’s going on with R-Truth and Goldust?

Whatever story WWE is trying to tell here seems to get lost between the comedy angles. Either WWE needs to get these two together as a tag-team (and then stick them in the above mentioned match) or stop the madness before it becomes something much bigger. The absolute worst thing WWE can do right now is allow this to continue as it is – playing out week after week and culminating in some kind of comedy match at Wrestlemania. It’s happened fore in WWE and I suspect fans don’t want to see either of these two men on the card ahead of much more deserving wrestlers.


What now for Ambrose?

With Lesnar probably off to tackle the Wyatt family and Reigns taking flight into the Wrestlemania main event – Ambrose has been left with nothing left to do. Stripped of his IC Championship – heading back after that would be a massive step down for the WWE superstar and signal managements inability to get behind the popular star. I can still envision a scenario where he ends up in the Wrestlemania main event along side Reigns – but at this point it’s becoming harder and harder to believe that Ambrose can ever really win the big one. And with no obvious direction for him to aim for – I worry for where he might end up on the Wrestlemania card.


It always Reigns when you’re winning

WWE want Roman Reigns to be the next best thing – that’s a simple fact now. They’ve ignored the cries of fans and chosen to push Roman Reigns into the Wrestlemania main event for the second year in a row – despite the fact he was the man getting the fewest cheers in the triple threat match. Worse still – the feud leading upto that devolved into an Amborse/Lesnar feud; leaving Reigns standing on the sidelines looking a bit like an idiot. Now that the spotlight has been thrust back on to Reigns – there’ll be nowhere to hide. It’s time for the big man to step up and step out of the shadow of his Shield counterparts – who both have more popularity with the fans.